Dobrodelna gala prireditev 2024

Info dan: centralizirane akcije Erasmus+ šport 2025

Info dan: centralizirane akcije Erasmus+ šport 2025
Dan: 16. decembra 2024 v Bruslju. Dogodek bo možno spremljati tudi prek spleta. Ura: 09:30 - 17:15(CET) Jezik: Angleščina

Evropska izvajalska agencija za izobraževanje in kulturo (EACEA) 16. decembra 2024 v Bruslju organizira informativni dan za vse, ki vas zanima prijava na centralizirano akcijo Erasmus+ šport v letu 2025. Dogodek bo možno spremljati tudi prek spleta, podrobne informacije najdete tukaj.

Na dogodku boste pridobili vse informacije o razpisu Erasmus+ 2025 in prijavah na centralizirane akcije, hkrati pa je to tudi priložnost za mreženje z vsemi deležniki na področju športa in spoznavanje potencialnih partnerjev. Vabljeni!

09:30-10:00 Welcome: Opening session 
10:00-11:00 Session 1: The Erasmus+ Sport Policy priorities
11:30-12:30 Session 2: The Erasmus+ Sport Programme
14:30-15:30 Session 3: The Erasmus+ Sport - What are the mobility opportunities of sport staff? 
Questions & Answers 
The goal of this workshop is to explain the modalities of Erasmus+ KA1 Mobility of sport staff with a particular focus on novelties of the 2025 Programme Guide. The interactive workshop will also provide opportunities to ask questions and share experiences.

 Session 4: Erasmus+ Sport - How to apply to the Sport main call? 
Questions & Answers
This workshop aims at presenting the application templates (project description and budget), the lump sum funding mechanism and the selection process (award criteria) of the call Erasmus+ KA2 Partnerships for Cooperation in the field of sport.
Session 5: Erasmus+ Sport - How to apply for Capacity Building funding? 
Questions & Answers 
This workshop is dedicated to those interested in applying to the Capacity Building call. We will present the application templates (project description and budget), the lump sum funding mechanism and the selection process (award criteria).
16:00-17:00 Session 6: Erasmus+ Sport 2028-2034 - Harvesting ideas for the new programme
Questions & Answers 
17:00- 17:15 Conclusions 

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